BUDAPEST Extra fun |
The real value of privateguide.hu are the special offers or possibilities you can find here. For the basic idea itself emphasizes uniqueness, staying away from the crowds. “Learn it Your own way…!”
Of course it doesn’t mean and cannot mean missing the must-see sights, but you get a more personalized and unusual insight into Budapest.
Antiques – hidden away
The really great things remain unobserved… this is so in Budapest, especially in case of the special antique shop known only by the few experts. It is famous throughout Europe, hiding real rarities… in a flat, only for real fanatics. It can’t be found by tourists, and visits are by appointment. One of my greatest friends, who wrote the best Budapest guidebook, summarises his view on the place: THE BEST EVER!
In nice weather we finish with a walk down the street of antique shops and galleries.
Artists in their studios
Artists and sculptors in their element. You have the opportunity to watch them in their own environment in the secretive moments of creation. You can be the first to see works of art, learn secrets about the artist and his techniques, observe the workings of a genuine studio. And last but not least, you have the chance to purchase a special piece with the artist’s recommendation, as a souvenir or even as an investment. |
Architectural Journey
Budapest – Dream. More than 30% of our buildings were lost in World War II, a number of revolutions gave them a rough handling, while a half a century of communism with its unifying character, rejecting all values and destroying things also took its toll on them. What is left doesn’t shine in its old pomp any longer, and yet… Budapest still lives and despite its number of tragedies it is still the largest contiguous eclectic architectural block in the world. This typical Central-European style is shown at its best here, concealing pearls of classic, secessionist and neoclassic buildings; a unique adventure for city lovers.
LP Cave
Bakelite records cannot be buried! There are still enough people who think so. Some of them are nestled in a small shop under the arcades in the former Jewish quarter. You can’t make them break out. And this fact is only known by those who are obsessed with classical music. The LP collection of the shop is a treasury of rarities. Those in the know arrive here from all over the world to get hold of a long desired piece.
If you so desire, finish the day in a top-notch restaurant with classical music to allow a lasting experience for both the ear and stomach.
"For those who fly above it, this scenery is a map…"– says a beautiful Hungarian poem. Although actually a ten-minute flight above it is already a lifetime. And now you can do all this above such an exciting and picturesque place like Budapest and its surroundings, in a private plane, or in the peace and quiet of a hot-air balloon! A fantastic experience of floating and flying. The plane ia available from spring to autumn, the hot-air balloon all year long, depending on weather conditions. |
Inside Country
Szeged: My home town. The warmest and one of the friendliest settlements. Mediterranean Hungary. People are open, natural and helpful. Szeged has been flooded several times but in 1879 the town was literally wiped out, which was then revived as one of the best planned and most beautifully built towns in the country. The common Hungarian truth is valid for Szeged as well, but more increasingly: you have to eat, and we will, too! And the night is… wild!!! Szeged is also called the Hungarian Amsterdam… not by chance. Or otherwise it is the town of the three Ws: Water – Weed – Women…
Experience it yourself!
Győr: The most significant town in Northwest Hungary in all respects, halfway from Vienna to Budapest. And this can be measured in everything. It is also a little bit like a small Austrian town. The use of the German language is widespread. The town built at the meeting point of three rivers is full of things to be seen and to be enjoyed. From the world famous performances of the Ballet of Győr, through the healing waters of Thermal Spa that is famous throughout Europe, to the thousand-year-old Abbey of Pannonhalma. But the real experience is the town centre. One of the towns richest in monuments in Hungary, was awarded the European prize for the preservation of its monumentsand the reconstruction of its Baroque town centre.
Balaton: The Hungarian Sea. Lake Balaton is the biggest lake with warm water in Europe. Its southern shore is more gently sloping, whereas its hilly northern shore protects one of the best wine-districts in the country. In the north there is a lot to see and taste. Balatonfüred is the capital city of the shore. From the north gentle hills and from the south the lake embrace the town, which has been beaming with the magnificent Pannonian cheerfulness for centuries. Ancient residential districts, old buildings, churches, evocative vineyards, parks, old trees send you back to the past. Tihany is situated on the peninsula with the same name, where a captivating panorama opens up to the lake from the Benedictine Abbey founded in 1055. The hills hide ancient vineyards and guesthouses, enriching the visitors with experiences for a life-time.
Hungarian Sea , Hungarian Hospitality…
The Soul of Wine: Our 22 historical wine districts are experiencing a revival. Besides the big names, smaller wine-cellars form the future vanguard of Hungarian wine. Bull’s blood of Eger and Tokaji Aszú are perhaps our most well-known wines. Tokaji is claimed to be the "Wine of Kings, the King of Wines" (Vino Regnum, Rex Vinorum), for it was the famous drink of a number of rulers, from the French kings to the Russian czars. You can tour any of these wine districts, getting acquainted with the most famous or the unusual cellars. See the secrets of the birth of wine and of course taste and buy the various vintages.
The Party of parties
Almost everybody has dreamt of a party where only good guys are present, there is a mixed company, there are a lot of exciting sights, the music is nice, the atmosphere is relaxed and… anything can happen! Here and now you can do anything your heart desires. Far from home, with bold ideas and at a reasonable price, you can organise the party of your dreams. You only have to ask…
Home Hunting
In Hungary today there is a boom in the demand for real estate. Citizens from Western Europe, Northern Europe and North America have a voracious appetite for property in Hungary, for we are on the verge of an era. Because of the momentary transitional period, real estate in Budapest is still 60-70% cheaper than comparable property in Western Europe. But as our joining the EU develops, this will be a thing of the past.
You can tour the best flats and houses that meet your requirements and that are not available to the general public. |