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I’m looking forward to every single remark and I receive them with love, whether we have already had the pleasure to meet or not! Hope to see you as soon and as frequently as possible, I wish all the best to all of you!
Thank you for All who have honoured me with your visit. As I have become and I am becoming more through you, I’m getting to love this world more and more. Thank You…
Dr. Ron Dixon - USA
I highly recommend Balazs Stumpf-Biro as a very special private guide in Budapest. He knows the city - in fact all of Hungary - so incredibly well. He is 'connected' and stays very current but also knows Budapest's history so well. And his love for Budapest is contagious! He is fluent in English and a joy to be with.
Alison Meredith - Australia
Budapest is a wonderful city and Balazs is just the right person to share all its secrets with you. He is both entertaining and informative, with a friendly, laid back attitude and a contagious sense of humour. You can't help liking him as soon as you meet him. I hope you have as much fun as I did!
Denis Gray - UK
Dear Balazs, I would like to thank you for the exellent tour of Budapest. Your insider knowledge of the city and country, both contemporary and historical, made my stay most memorable. I must also mention the Hungarian resturant that you introduced me to, I would never have found in any guide book. I will not hesitate to contact the services of "privateguide.hu", on any future visits to your beautiful country.
Mary Jean and Paul Nagy - USA
In June 2004, my husband and I had the wonderful opportunity to use Balazs Stumpf-Biro, of "privateguide.hu". The entire time we were in Budapest was most enjoyable. Balazs was very attentive and made certain that all our wishes were met. Since we were there as a first attempt to research my husband’s roots, we were interested in the city and the surrounding countryside as well. The excursion to Lake Balaton and then the Herend factory will always stand out in our memory. Our trip to Budapest, Hungary was the highlight of our journey to Europe, primarily because of "privateguide.hu" !!!
Ellada Grebennikova - Russia
This was the first time that I was in Hungary. It's an incredible city, the city of golden lights. It has so many churches that you can hear bells all day. Budapest is one of those rare cities that are their own world. The spirit of the city is in the buildings, streets, hearts... everywhere... But I couldn't have seen the real Budapest without my Hungarian friend. This man is amazing! He has a huge knowledge (and not only about the city area). He makes your trip so interesting and relaxed that it becomes very restful. I admire Balazs! This was my first time in Budapest... and not the last!
Roxanne Javor - USA
What to say that hasn’t been said repeatedly… Balazs is truly a gift. Because of him my time in Budapest can not be compared to any other destination. My experience was unique and superb. Budapest is wonderful and Balazs is wonderful… put them together and you are guaranteed a kick ass time with many memories to last a long long time. I am so glad I had a chance to meet this man with a sparkle in his eye and a smile that touches your heart. There are some one of a kind -LOVELY- people in this world and he is one of them... kisses B!!!
Anna Tolkachova - Russia
Certainly, he embodies the soul of this city. He knows all paths to and in Budapest, including his favorite – off the beaten path. Thanks to him I found my own one and now being in Budapest is like a hobby. Balazs is a marvelous person, Budapest is a marvelous city and what is the most important – both of them are waiting for YOU…
Malgorzata Mizerska - Poland
Splendid tour-guide (he knows everything about Budapest!), optimistic, full of energy, always smiling (with a beautiful smile). His hospitality and politeness are unbelievable!!! You will miss him...
Stefanie Grewel - Germany
He is a very nice guy with a lot of interests. It was so much fun getting to know the city with him. He showed us wonderful places and told us so many interesting stories about them. We felt at home and had a great time with him… Take your time to meet Balazs, he was wonderful with us!
Chwee Sze Foong - Malaysia
Balazs is the person to show you the hidden parts of the city you would never find yourself; from a tucked-away playground in the castle district and gorgeous courtyards in residential buildings, to all the colourful characters that you invariably bump into when you’re with him. It’s almost as if you’re wandering around as a cameo in a rollicking film, so hang on and have fun!